Welcome To Lighthouse Baptist Church
In John 13, Jesus taught His disciples to love one another as He had loved them. He went on to say, “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." It is our goal at Lighthouse to fulfill this desire of Jesus. We strive to honor and respect all people everywhere.
Our Church is a Family! We encourage you to come and experience the love of Christ with our church family. As a body of believers we to show the love by being a reflection of the sacrificial love of Christ that He demonstrated to us. We want to develop growing relationships with one another by “doing life” together. And as we do life together we want to encourage authenticity, to be real with one another. We also want to convey the truth of God’s Word through everything we do.
At Lighthouse we strive to be Biblically Oriented, Service Minded, Lovingly Impactful, Prayerfully Dependent, and Spiritually Mindful as we proclaim and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ daily.
Please contact us for more information or visit one of our services.
Serving in the Love of Christ,
Pastor Kevin Prevett